Major &Minor Arpeggios - 2 &3 Octaves

Practice and mastery of major and minor arpeggios is one of the most productive ways to refine technique
and to increase fretboard skills.  As an initial focus, memorize each of the four patterns below. Each of the
patterns is transposable: for example, after learning the C major pattern, start on the note C# (at the
4th fret of the A string).

Use the fingering pattern you learned for C major: by doing this you will be playing a C# major arpeggio.
Then, in the same way, transpose this pattern to play 2 octave arpeggios of B, C#, D, Eb, E and F major.
Each of the four patterns can be learned and transposed in the same fashion.  In this way you can play a
complete set of all twelve major and minor arpeggios on your guitar.

The video below introduces and briefly discusses playing the arpeggios on the guitar.  It is technically and musically a deep and lifelong study.  Even so, now is the perfect time to begin, or continue that exploration.

Click on either image below to download a free PDF of both Major and Minor Arpeggios.